The Book of Judith // Day 18 Talents
Image by Melissa Clayton

Image by Melissa Clayton

Judith 11:1-23

From the moment Judith speaks her first words to Holofernes, she has him hooked.

Her beauty, of course, plays a huge part in deceiving him. But he is not easily fooled by beauty. Judith presents herself as a sharp, insightful, and intelligent woman that he can’t help but be impressed by the whole package.

Beauty AND brains.

Here is a woman of great faith and courage. Everything about her reflects God. From her exquisite beauty which points to a Master Artist - to her eloquent speech, she is in every aspect the work of God.

But if you were to meet Judith and compliment her on these things, she will respond with praises to her Creator.

You see, we all have the capability to accomplish great things. From single-handedly defeating our enemies with our God-given talents, to landing that dream job, to extending love and mercy to others. We, too, can reflect God in such a way that when others see us, they see Him and want to know Him.

Judith could not have deceived Holofernes without God. The words she spoke came straight from Him, and Holofernes was so convinced that he said, “You are not only beautiful in appearance, but wise in speech; and if you do as you have said, your God shall be my God."

Your God shall be my God.

How amazing that we have the same opportunity to lead others to Christ just by using our God-given talents!

For His glory, forever and ever. Amen.

Peace be with you, my gorgeous faithful sister.