Novena to Our Lady of Sorrows

This devotion is about honoring Mary, the Mother of our Lord. In faith, she said yes to God’s plan to allow the Holy Spirit to plant the seed of the Savior of the world in her virgin womb. And with courage, she walked out her faith. 

Mary took the next steps of her faith walk by visiting her cousin Elizabeth. In that meeting, God not only had a person ready to stand with her through a period that he knew would be rough, he also confirmed through another human being what she did not doubt: she is the Mother of the Redeemer. Added joy filled her heart. Courageously she returned to Nazareth where she met haughty and judging scowls of villagers and family. Even her betrothed doubted the validity of her outrageous claim. Yet she stood firmly in faith with courage. God favored her and allowed a dream to reveal Truth to Joseph. Again, joy added to joy.

But this was only the beginning of a life out-balanced by sorrows over joy. She bore most of those sorrows in her heart, alone and silent. We honor her by our acknowledgment today through prayer. The 7 sorrows are the times that directly relate to the suffering of her Son on his journey to the finishing God’s Plan of Salvation. 

And there is more. This world we live in is broken by sin. We all encounter sorrows – many of us each day. Our suffering can be minor or it can be overwhelming. When we set aside time to reflect on Mary’s great sorrows, we can find peace as we suffer. We discover comforting compassion from our own Mother because we are aware that she does have true empathy. She desires to console us by enfolding us in her arms and passing on her courage. And she turns our face to the Most Sacred Heart of her Son, who is all compassion and mercy and whose Grace will carry us.nMay we always remember the suffering of our Beloved Mother and the sorrows of her Son.

Pray with us on this heartfelt journey to the cross.

Day 1
Michelle Workman/Pianist Audrey Donaldson
Day 2
Michelle Workman/Pianist Audrey Donaldson
Day 3
Michelle Workman/Pianist Audrey Donaldson
Day 4
Michelle Workman/Pianist Audrey Donaldson
Day 5
Michelle Workman/Pianist Audrey Donaldson
Day 6
Michelle Workman/Pianist Audrey Donaldson
Day 7
Michelle Workman/Pianist Audrey Donaldson
Day 8
Michelle Workman/Pianist Audrey Donaldson
Day 9
Michelle Workman/Pianist Audrey Donaldson