In a world that seems to be on tilt these days, I wonder if we are even aware of the powerful force words carry for good or for evil.
Case in point ; I was out shopping and all of a sudden my attention was diverted to loud voices ahead of me. One customer was accusing the other of some injustice, and well things just seemed to escalate.Dumbfounded by the moment were children present in the chaos.What came to mind is how often we are witnessing these types of public behavior; whether it be a grocery store, the workplace, media reporters slandering each other, you fill in the blanks.
Above all, maintain constant love for one another, for love covers a multitude of sins.1 Peter 4:8
I recall St. Teresa of Calcutta's words
"we have forgotten we belong to each other".
These words come tumbling forward in my mind for it implies a desire of remembrance to Jesus' words "this is my command that you love each other as I have loved you."
True love makes us kind to the others imperfections-we love when we are ready to cover (overlook) their faults even though we may see them.
Our daily conduct perhaps could be threaded by the reality we are all imperfect human beings who are liable to go astray. God seeks to guide us in wisdom on how to get along, just look at Mary, so slow to speak yet quick to respond in kindness.
"To love one another so that we show mutual respect and affection through thinking well of each other even in the imperfections. Showing charity by inclining ourselves to forgive and forget offenses, remembering probably we have been in the place of the offender. We too, have fallen to weaknesses in a moment, yet we are called to be hospitable by being a door of mercy and to do so cheerfully without grudge.
"For freely you have been given, freely you should give." This kind of generosity covers a multitude of sins but at times it is costly. It calls for us to lower ourselves, it's a humble love that looks not only to our own interests but also to others. Philippians 2:4
Our reactions need to be covered in kindness seeking to live and to love like Jesus.
Today, love in a way that few will ever know about-cover an offense.
TO Jesus through Mary Susan
Image by Alyssa Marie Francis