Esther // Chapter Eight
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Esther 8 James 4:10

Then Esther spoke again to the king; she fell at his feet and besought him with tears…”

Do you ever feel like you just can’t - maybe even shouldn’t - ask God for one more thing? Like you’ve been such a pest all day or week or month and maybe it’s time you’ve learned already how to do something without God? Or maybe, you just feel that he’s tired of you asking? That you should be proficient at this - whatever “this” might be for you - by now?

I know that I do feel like that sometimes.

But here we should take heart, and learn from Esther.

Consider, here she is having just pointed out that she is about to die - her and all her people - and the king is enraged and has her would-be killer hanged. And still Esther throws herself at her king’s feet, beseeches him with tears, even, to save her life. Her, an orphaned Jewess, begging the king to reverse his edict and to save the Jews from destruction. As if he hadn’t already done enough by saving the life of Esther and Mordecai and by executing the man who sought to kill them.

But it wasn’t enough. Esther knew that her fellow Jews still faced death and destruction. And she knew, too, that God had made her queen for “such a time” as this. That she must, again, humble herself before her king - risk her life even - to save the lives of her fellows Jews.

So we, too, must approach our own King. We must humble ourselves at his feet; beseeching him with tears, if we must. He doesn’t grow weary of our smallness. He created us. He knows who we are. He knows our frailties, our inadequacies, our failings. If King Ahasuerus can see the merit of his queen, extend the golden scepter to her and, by extension, to her people; how much more does our loving Father in heaven extend his golden scepter to us? How much more will He grant to us the desires of our heart? the saving our people?

Don’t be afraid to ask God. Beseech him! Lay at his feet with the desires of your heart!

Reflect: What are the desires of your heart? What is it you want from God but are afraid to ask?

Act: Pray boldly today. Ask God for the special grace, that unmentioned need, that tiny favor. Ask him with humble boldness.
