Lent Day 9 // Jesus Meets his Sorrowful Mother Part 1
Image by Light Beautiful Photography

Image by Light Beautiful Photography

 V. We adore You, O Christ, and we bless You.

R. Because by Your holy Cross, You have redeemed the world.

When did it all start? As I reflect on Mary’s life with her son that’s the first thing I ask. At what point in her life did she realize that God had called her to live an extraordinary life? I wonder if she just always knew in her heart that she was special. Who knows? However, I do know that she was always obedient. When the Angel Gabriel came to Mary with the news that she was chosen to be the Mother of God she said yes in obedience to God’s will for her Luke 1:26-38

In station four she is obedient unto the cross,  just like Jesus. How could things be any different at this moment since this virtue was always cultivated at home? When we meditate on her meeting Jesus after his first time falling, that’s what I see. She was obedient with Jesus to the Will of the Father. If you’ve ever had the opportunity to see The Passion of Christ, you can see this depicted in the scene where they meet. Their meeting shows how they do not run from the cross, but embrace it together beautifully. Mary’s eyes are constantly on Jesus throughout his passion. Their eyes are speaking to each other, saying things we can only imagine.

In The Way of The Cross by Saint Alphonsus Liguori we read,

“Jesus and Mary looked at each other, and their looks became as so many arrows to wound those hearts which loved each other so tenderly.”

Maybe you’ve experienced something like this. You have a friend or family member who has suffered more than you both can bear. When your eyes meet you’re saying,

“I am here with you. You can do this. You have my love, my compassion, and my support. I am here with you. I am here for you. Your pain and suffering are mine as well. Let me be your strength. Let me help you bear this pain.

We need each other so much to get up after our falls, during our losses, and when temptation looks so sweet. We need to encourage each other. If it weren’t for my friends, I know I wouldn’t be able to carry my crosses without collapsing and giving up. Praise God for His mercy in giving us each other! Mary is the perfect disciple because she demonstrates how to do this as she strengthens her son on His journey.

Mary, the Queen of the Saints and Angels, teaches us how to be disciples and living saints in many ways. She does this through her praise and thanksgiving to God. In her Magnificat she says,

“My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior; for he has regarded the low estate of his handmaiden...And his mercy is on those who fear him from generation to generation. He has shown strength with his arm, he has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts….Luke 1:46-48  Luke 1: 50-51

This song of praise

“introduces the theme of God’s mercy” Luke 1:50-54

(Ignatius Catholic Study Bible).

I bring this up because we as a Church are celebrating a Jubilee Year of Mercy!

Study Question:

Which spiritual or corporal work of mercy do we encounter in station four?

The spiritual work of mercy that I find here is Mary praying for her living son who is moments away from death. I have absolutely no doubt in my heart that she was praying for him every moment of his passion. I believe he knew this and that he had the strength to continue because of his mother’s loving prayers. May we imitate Mary through this spiritual work of mercy today as we lift up prayers for every person in our lives (both the living and the dying).

I challenge you to pray with someone today. Don't let fear or awkwardness keep you from doing such a beautiful work for God's glory. God bless you sister.

Dear Jesus You go to die For very love of me; Let me bear you company; I wish to die with You. -Saint Alphonsus Liguori