Lent 2015 Day 37 // The Lamb Who Redeems

1 Peter 1:18-19; Mark 10: 44-45

“Realizing that you were ransomed from your futile conduct, not with perishable things like silver or gold but with the precious blood of Christ as of a spotless unblemished lamb.”

 When something is ransomed it means that they were held prisoner or freed as a prisoner in return for payment. We are human. Reality check if you needed it. But we make mistakes, we fall; because of Adam and Eve there was a fall and we make mistakes and sin. Today, I specifically want to dive into these two verses because so much lays in them.

We need to realize that the Lord has ransomed us, and continues to ransom us and will continue to ransom us. He will continuously free us from our chains of sin. He will continuously free us from our pointless behavior. He will continue to free us from our decisions that are incapable of producing useful results that do not lead us to him.

The Lord is not setting us free with a key; the Lord is not trying to bribe us or the ‘guards’ with silver or gold. But, we find redemption in the precious blood of Christ, because He is the spotless unblemished lamb.  

“Whoever wishes to be first among you will be the slave of all. For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

 Good Friday is coming fast. Jesus did not come and did not walk through the desert with us so that we could be there for him and support him and serve Him. Jesus didn’t come down to Earth and become human so that he could be waited on hand and foot getting the royal treatment and Jesus didn’t just make all bad things not happen. He didn’t come here so that His desires and wants were catered to, but he did come here so that he could serve us. He came here so that he could set us free on Friday from the chains that hold us down. He came and is making the walk to Golgotha so that we can find our freedom in Him, the sacrificial Lamb. He came so that on Friday, we may die on the cross with Him and rise with Him three days later. He came so that we might have life, not just one person, but that we all may have life in him. He came so that he could free us from the chains of our lives and live in Him.  

We are so close to the end. Don’t give up. Prepare to fully let the chains go on Friday. Prepare to let yourself be ransomed by the Lord because He has paid the ultimate price for us...He gave Himself for us.