Lectio Divina // Part 4 of 4


Part 4 of the 4 part series: Lectio Divina

Read Part 1  // Read Part 2 // Read Part 3

Psalms 46:11

STEP 4 of Lectio Divina: Contemplatio of Contemplation

After all the reading, meditation, and prayer, it is time to simply rest in God's presence.

Practice silence. Removing distractions and finding silence is part of each step in lectio divina, but contemplation calls us to an even greater form of silence -- silence of the heart and mind. You can start with just a few minutes of silence and gradually work your way up until you don't feel a need to break your "resting time" with the Lord.

Experience God. Words are unnecessary. As two people in a mature, loving relationship enjoy periods of silence without having to communicate out loud, simply enjoy the presence of your Lord.

During this precious time of contemplatio with our God, our busy minds will often prevent us from fully entering into deeper prayer. If you experience this struggle, it can help to slowly and prayerfully reflect on each piece of Psalms 46:11, in the following manner:


Be still and know that I am God.


Be still and know that I am.


Be still and know.


Be still.




Experience God, resting in His holy presence