About the Study
Now that Advent is over, even though we are still in the Christmas Season (until the Feast of the Epiphany—one of my favorite feast days!), we’re going to go back. WAY back, to the beginning of everything. We’re going to dive on in to the first four chapters of Genesis. There’s a pretty symmetry, in my opinion, in starting off the new year with the beginning of the Old Testament.
Genesis starts off with a sort of dramatic opening line: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth.” BOOM. There it is. God created everything. No small feat, by any means.

The Study
Adam and Eve have relations, and Eve conceived and gave birth to Cain. She recognized that this was done, “with the help of the Lord,” Genesis 4:1 .Again, she gave birth to a son, Abel. Abel was a keeper of the flocks, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.
Dun dun duuuunnnnn! We’re starting today out with quite the dramatic overture. After Adam tells God that it was because of Eve that he ate of the forbidden fruit, God turns to Eve, and sis her what she’s done. She explains that the serpent tricked her, and she ate.
Let’s get back to the conversation that the serpent and Eve have. Genesis 3:1 says that the serpent was more
“crafty than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made”
We start out chapter three right away with a conversation between Eve and a serpent. You and I know that the serpent is the Devil, but that knowledge isn’t exactly presented as simply as that in this chapter.
So we have the Earth, the animals, light, stars, night, fish, oceans, land, pretty much everything we could need. Next God plucks man up, and put him into the garden of Eden to take care of it.
Happy New Year, sweet sisters! I hope this finds you well and eager to get this year going on a good foot! What better way to start the year, than by diving back into the story of our creation?Here we go!
On day one God created light, and separated it from darkness. We don’t know where the light was coming from, but now we get to day four and we read that He created the stars
How often is it that we can truly look back on something we have created and known it was good? It can be SO easy to just do things halfway, just to get them done.
If you are at ALL into Pinterest, you’ve probably seen the meme
“You have the same amount of hours in a day as Beyonce”
Now that Advent is over, even though we are still in the Christmas Season (until the Feast of the Epiph- any—one of my favorite feast days!), we’re going to go back. WAAAAY back, to the beginning of everything.
Happy Saturday, dear sisters! Today we wrap up our study on Genesis. We’ve covered a LOT over the last almost two weeks.