A Return to Divine Love
On our worst day, God doesn't walk away from us. And His love for us is not determined by our performance. No matter how many times we mess up, God loves (and never leaves) broken people. The chosen make an attempt to return to divine love. He has chosen you. Join us in a bible study of the book of Malachi.
We are excited to feature a FREE study journal for the Malachi bible study!
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I never really liked foreshadowing in books when I was growing up. honestly, I still think that I am not the biggest fan of it, but rather now… I think it is really cool and I get super excited when I spot it
When reading through Chapter 2 I got really excited because I truly feel like this part is perfect timing to read through something like this, especially in the state that our country is in and the fight that is going on.
One of my biggest pet peeves I have is when we settle. I hate settling for something, especially when I know that I am right. I hate being mediocre in my words just to know that people like me…. But most of all, I hate when I give in just to make others happy.
Growing up, I still remember the two priests that taught me to truly appreciate the mass. The first left our parish when I was eight years old, and the other was a part of my life for the next 6 years. The first priest, taught me how to truly respect the mass- and how we should conduct one’s self through mass; and the second priest taught me the importance of all the details of mass.
An oracle: The Word of the LORD to Israel through Malachi.
I love you, says the LORD; but you say, “How do you love us?”
I truly fell in love with this book as I read through it to do these posts. The moral of this story… Even when we are in our worst day, even when we feel as if we are in the deepest hole, the Lord will never ever walk away from you. Why? Because He loves you and wants to spend eternity with you.