Posts in Bible 101
Art for the Heart /Letters from Home

Sisters, this is your weekly "Art for the Heart". 

Each Sunday we will share a screen saver for your smart phone or tablet (or both) featuring a thought for the week. Save it as your phone lock screen & see this every time you access your phone! We access our smart devices constantly - so that means this is a great way to constantly see God's inspiration & love. 

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Lectio Divina // Part 1 of 4

Lectio divina means "divine reading" or "sacred reading." It is an ancient, Christian art that consists of a slow, contemplative reading of Scripture, enabling the Word of God to become a means of uniting ourselves with God. Before diving into this form of prayer, it's important to understand the basic foundation upon which it was built.

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Why Meditate on Scripture?

The dishes need to be done. The laundry is over flowing – or better yet – still folded on the chair from the last round. The floors haven’t seen the vacuum in weeks. The project at work is due tomorrow and it’s only half-way complete. whistle chirp whistle …The Twitter world beckons…

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Bible Resource: Catechism of the Catholic Church

Surprisingly, one of the most underutilized resources for Catholics is the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It does make some sense though -- it has a pretty dry name and can be difficult to read. However, most people don't realize that it is incredibly rich with information, more resources and references, and beautiful explanations of even the most common Catholic beliefs.

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Bible Resource: A Concordance

What if you wanted to know every verse that contained the word “love” in it? There’s a book for that.

What if you wanted to know every verse that had the phrase “peace be with you” or “Holy, holy, holy”? There’s a book for that.

What if you wanted to know every verse that had to do with the topic of charity? What if we said there is a book for that?

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Reading Footnotes

I grew up in Rancho Cucamonga, California with parents born and raised in Michigan, I have a brother that lives in California and one in Minnesota and I am married to a man from Pennsylvania. I’m sure you can only imagine the plethora of ways to say words.

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What is the New Testament?

My favorite part of the New Testament is the ‘gotcha’ factor that comes with reading it after reading the Old Testament. You know what I am talking about. That moment in time when something finally clicks and it all makes sense. It is almost like a lightbulb went on in your head. Or its that moment where you think no one  is in the room and you say, “ohhhhhhhh I got it.” Yes that is the New Testament.

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What is the Old Testament?

I will never forget this one specific January day in Austria. I was studying abroad with 150 other students from my school and I was in my first class of my third theology class for the semester. In walks in a tall, skinny man with the biggest smile on his face. As he started class every word out of his mouth...

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