Mary Our Mother and Queen // Chaplet of the Ten Evangelical Virtues
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Bible verse 1: Mt 1:18, 20, 23; Luke 1:27,34, 45-48, 2:19, 51

Bible verse 2: John 2:5

If we want to be as holy and grace-filled as possible, what better way than to imitate our dear sweet Mother Mary? She’s the PERFECT example of so many wonderful virtues to emulate. There are Ten Evangelical Virtues of the Blessed Mother found in the Gospels.

The First Virtue: Mary Most Pure (Matt. 1:18, 20, 23; Luke 1:27,34)

Mary is the finest example of purity; she was so pure, she was conceived without sin, and the Holy Spirit came upon her. Mary’s purity is unequaled aside from her Son, Himself, in all of mankind’s history.

The Second Virtue: Mary Most Prudent (Luke 2:19, 51)

Mary kept everything the shepherds and Magi told her, along with what the Angels told her, in her heart. She knew from the Angel Gabriel’s words that she was the chosen Daughter to be the Mother of the Lord, and used her free will to agree and be open to the Lord’s plan.

The Third Virtue: Mary Most Humble (Luke 1:48)

“For he looked upon his handmaiden’s lowliness,” couldn't summarize a greater example of humility. She didn’t say “Oh yeah? God wants ME to do what? Of course, I AM a pretty awesome person,” and gloat. She was humble enough to recognize how lowly she was and agree to do the Lord’s will.

The Fourth Virtue: Mary Most Faithful (Luke 1:45; John 2:5)

Mary knew if she asked her Son for help, He’d come through for her. She told the servants at the wedding feast of Cana to do whatever He told them to do, proving how much faith she has in her Son.

The Fifth Virtue: Mary Most Devout (Luke 1:46-7; Acts 1:14)

The passage from the book of Acts shows Mary was just as devout as the Apostles. She was in the upper room praying with them. In response to the angel telling her she was going to be the mother of our Lord, she said that her soul proclaimed the greatness of the Lord. Her devotion is unmatched and seen right away as soon as Mary appears in the Gospels.

The Sixth Virtue: Mary Most Obedient (Luke 1:38; 2:21-2, 27)

Right from the beginning of the Angel Gabriel’s declaration to Mary, she says, “Let it be done according to your word.” She doesn’t ask questions, and she doesn’t try to put any stipulations on the arrangement, she just goes with what the Lord requires of her, and is happy to do so.

The Seventh Virtue: Mary Most Poor (Luke 2:7)

Mary gave birth in a manger, where the animals were living, and had to wrap her baby in swaddling clothes. She not only had nowhere “important,” to give birth, but she didn’t even have anything better than swaddling clothes to wrap her child in. Through her poverty, we learn that you don’t need to be rich to follow the Lord. He loves us just as we are.

The Eighth Virtue: Mary Most Patient (John 19:25)

Mary spent the whole crucifixion at the foot of the cross with her Son. She waited with Him, wept with and for Him, and remained by His side. Her example of patience in the toughest situation is truly one to look up to and emulate.

The Ninth Virtue: Mary Most Merciful (Luke 1:39, 56)

Mary visited her pregnant cousin Elizabeth while she herself was pregnant, and stayed to help for the last three months of Elizabeth’s pregnancy until the birth.

The Tenth Virtue: Mary Most Sorrowful (Luke 2:35)

Simeon predicted the sorrow that Mary would feel when he told her a sword would pierce her soul. As I’ve mentioned previously in this study, he didn’t say that it would physically pierce her, but that it would pierce her very soul. Such would be the sorrow and sadness she’d have to endure.

Reflection question 1: Which of the virtues Mary possesses is the toughest for you to emulate?

Reflection question 2: How can you work harder to become a better example to others of these wonderful virtues?

Act: Choose a virtue to work on developing.