Lent 2015 Day 4 // Authenticity in Christ

Isaiah 42: 6-9

Yesterday we saw how it can be difficult to come to Christ in prayer because we see more of who we are in his great light. But this is a great thing! By this we know we are actually closer to Christ and not further from him. It’s so important to have that deep center of prayer life within.

A couple of days ago we talked about freedom. This freedom can only come from Christ - who is authentic love. We all long for this love.

Have you ever been in love before or at least in deep like? Where you just feel so on top of the world because you can share your love with someone else and they can receive that and give it back to you! It's a beautiful gift  to be able to give of ourselves to someone else and to have the feeling of elation and that nothing can stop us!

Freedom in Christ is like that! God wants us to be in that freedom with him and be filled by his ever giving and consuming love! He doesn’t want to see us with addictions or with instant gratification tendencies that will only leave us feeling empty, self-loathing, and alone. He wants freedom for us; freedom from our own sinful inclinations.

This is a gradual process. We don’t change overnight. I mean God knows that, he, who was perfect, spent 40 days in the desert to pray and fast. He was still human. Not saying that we are going to completely change in 40 days but this is a great time to start. Whatever it is you are doing for lent, keep going sisters! But know there is also an internal change.

The more we pray the more we will get closer to Christ and are able to see who we are in relation to him, instead of who we are by ourselves. It's so easy to look in the mirror and see our own reflection staring back at us. But maybe the next time we look in the mirror, let us see Christ in us, staring back at us. Because he is there. This may be difficult because it can be so easy to see Christ in others that we forget to see him in ourselves and may even reject that truth. Live in that truth sister and tell yourself that truth everyday. We need it.

We do sin but we are not the sum of our sin. We are daughters of the living God so take pride in that. Live by that truth.  No, we are not perfect but we are still wanted and desired. Let us continue on this journey of freedom and authentic living, in this love Christ offers us. Say yes to him today.

Remember, You are loved!

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