Knowledge of God, Knowledge of Self, Acceptance
God’s call is not always amidst chaos and desperation. It is not always preceded by an interior struggle and long discernment. Sometimes it comes clear out of the blue, and we have an opportunity to say yes ---- or run away. God wants us to be at peace and happy, but at times he challenges us to give more in order to carry out his plan of salvation. Moses comes to mind.
Moses was minding his own business. He had escaped a foreign power and exile. He was tending his father-in-law’s flock. He was married, part of a family, and as far as anyone can tell - content. And then… he saw the Burning bush, and approached out of sheer curiosity.
To his great surprise, he encountered the one God, the great I am. You might say that more than surprised, Moses was disappointed that he had fallen upon such great grace. After this entire encounter, as all true encounters with God, was about to radically, change his life completely.
Change, especially from content (or complacency) to confrontation (and challenges), is never easy. Moses, like many of us, had many questions in the face of his call. His questions lay out for us a few key points to consider in our own discernment.
First, he asked,
“Who are you?”
This is such a simple question and yet it is fundamental to discernment. We must prayerfully examine whether our impulses are from God or some other source.
Secondly, Moses asks,
"Who am I?"
Who am I that I should be used by God for greatness?
Who am I that I should be called to serve?
Who am I that the Lord speaks to me?
These are questions that may be a genuine search for self-knowledge or an excuse masquerading as humility. If this is a genuine search, then the Lords response will be enough for you to continue the journey. He responded,
“Here I am. I am with you.”
Moses asks who he is, and God simply says,
“I’m here!”
The meaning of being human, of being a particular person, lies principally in our relationship with the Lord. From this self-knowledge, we discover purpose and meaning, as well as the vast potential for good that God can do in and through us. If we are not content for God to be our meaning and purpose, we simply run out of steam chasing after intimacy and purpose.
Thirdly, we must accept our human limitations, accept the help of others, and admit that it might just stay this way. God can do all things, even heal our wounds and remove our weaknesses. With love, nothing is impossible. He may very well heal you directly, but he may not. He did not remove Moses speech impediment after all. However, he will give you the help you need to work through your weakness if you allow him. The Lord gave Moses Aaron to be his voice. Moses could have denied Aaron's help, but he humbly accepted it.
Knowledge of God, Knowledge of self, and humility before the Divine Mysteries is the foundation of a vocation. The complete fulfillment of vocation is only in the Promised Land, but like Moses we can respond here and now and live it out in every moment by saying “yes” to God’s invitations.
Image by Cailin Valente