The Mass // How to Get Something Out of the Mass

Neh 8:1-12; Heb 10:19-25a

“We must consider how to rouse one another to love & good works. We should not stay away from our assembly, as is the custom of some, but encourage one another”

Have you ever argued with your family about not wanting to go to Mass? “But I don’t want to go! It’s boring! I don’t get anything out of it.” If these were our very words or maybe the unspoken feelings of our heart – they are a relatable statement to all of us.  Do we find Mass boring? Do we feel like we get anything out of it? Is it the priest’s fault… or maybe the choir…or what if they picked better bible verses… there are many other variables that we can attribute our “boredom” to but like everything in life we have to ask – is it everything around us that’s the problem, or is it me?

Mass, or called by other names like The Liturgy, The Breaking of the Bread, The Lord’s Supper, The Offering, The Holy Sacrifice, or The Celebration of the Eucharist, was instituted by Christ. I am sure all of us reading know this on some level. So in this study on the Mass, we will not be taking a classroom like approach. Though we have a PDF for you to download (see bottom of post) which shows how every part of the Mass is from the Bible, we will be spending our time during this bible study with one question in mind: If we believe everything we say we do about the Mass, would we act or react any differently?

Did you know 3 out of 4 people who call themselves Catholic do not attend Mass every Sunday? 75% of us are missing out on the amazing gift of the Mass and we think it’s because we just don’t realize the gift that it truly is. And what about the other 25% of us that are statistically attending - are we engaged? Do we prepare our hearts and minds ahead of time? Do we do our best to show up early to get settled (like we would at any concert) and stay though the final blessing (because we wouldn’t leave before the finale, would we)? Sisters, we will be pressing your heart in this study. We encourage you to keep your heart open to what God has in store for you – there are so many graces to be received at the Mass – let’s dive in together and get more out of it.

Below is a PDF available just for you!! It’s our HOMWF "The Mass” printable that you can use as a reference during this study. Share it, print it, keep it in your Bible or Mass Journal

Click Image to open PDF

Click Image to open PDF

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